Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Poetry of Nature

People often ignore the poetry of nature.The nature compile its poetry in science.Through the eyes of science the world is more poetic than it wud have been widout it.
I m telling u a story of Harry Hess, a geologist but more a poet.His fiancee left him alone. In his aloneness he wrote poems.His research book on geology titled as "Essays in geopoetry" was truely amalgamation of poetry & science.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Freedom without Information

......And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us....By Khalil Gibran.
I loved the quote because madness has its own beauty and only those can feel that beauty who are wise enough to be mad.
I wanted to live a life where there is no information.wherever I go,I m being bombarded with so much of informations about non-essential things.Theory of Information says in communication that any change in level of signals signifies an information, i.e change is responsible for the information.I cant live with my desire to be fulfilled becoz change is only permanent thing & each change is creating a new information.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reductio ad absurdum in Probability

They say,in the real world,probability can never be 0 or 1.But have you ever indulged yourself in deep?
The time you say, probability of any event can't be 0 or 1 practically, you are contradicting yourself, because this statement states: "probability of any event to have probability 0 or 1 is 0" and "probability of any event not to have probability 0 or 1 is 1". If you ll go deeper, every stage contradicts next one.

Life and Death in The Eternity of Time and Space

Is life possible other than earth?Is death possible? If life is possible other than earth, then what would be the purpose of such life for us?If information outside of human mind is of no purpose then how can life outside of our planet can have a purpose or meaning?In the same way, for the person who is dead for us, death can not have any meaning.
According to Abhishek Sinha,In eternity of space,everything is pervasive in nature.Hence question of existence of life other than our planet earth could be discarded on this basis.It is just a matter of astronomical search for scientists in space.
In eternity of time,the existence of death is not possible.Our life is just integration of quite a few things.In death all these things disintegrate and lose its characteristics of so-called life.

What an Idea!!(Sagan)

"The opposite of every great idea is another great idea". If this statement is true, then it would certainly qualify as a great idea - it would automatically lead to a corresponding great idea for every great idea already in existence. But if the statement itself is a great idea, its opposite must also be a great idea. The original statement is dis proven because it leads to an absurd conclusion: that an idea can be great regardless of whether it is true or false.