Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life and Death in The Eternity of Time and Space

Is life possible other than earth?Is death possible? If life is possible other than earth, then what would be the purpose of such life for us?If information outside of human mind is of no purpose then how can life outside of our planet can have a purpose or meaning?In the same way, for the person who is dead for us, death can not have any meaning.
According to Abhishek Sinha,In eternity of space,everything is pervasive in nature.Hence question of existence of life other than our planet earth could be discarded on this basis.It is just a matter of astronomical search for scientists in space.
In eternity of time,the existence of death is not possible.Our life is just integration of quite a few things.In death all these things disintegrate and lose its characteristics of so-called life.

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